
Hot takes are a good ice breaker, right? I’ll throw one out there:

Piles of dishes after a dinner party are comforting.
<pause for gasps of shock>

I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out. In a way, I think that they’re wam and comforting. Obviously the heat from burning your hands on the sink water, and maybe you are still a little warm in the face from the wine, but also the warmth and fuzzy feelings from the time just spent with people you care about. The dishes are proof of life, that you have people to care for, and who care about you.

I am very much so a product of the people that I am lucky enough to be surrounded by, and recently it dawned on me that the things that bring me the most joy in life revolve around bringing people together. It may be cathartically belting songs at a concert, rock climbing until our hands are raw, or cooking a meal (with dance + karaoke breaks of course). Regardless of the place, I am almost always with other people in these moments of joy.

This outlook certainly informs the way I aspire to design, which is to bring people together and create memorable experiences that are impactful. I hope that my portfolio shows the development of this outlook as a part of my design identity. Thank you for taking the time to look over these projects. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!